In Search of Definition


We can ride mile after mile searching for the meaning of those feelings we have every day. To say a motorcyclist is passionate about riding is one thing, but to explain it is another. To find the true meaning behind our passion for riding motorcycles, one must first ride. Even then, it’s hard to put it into words. We know how this motorized wonder makes us feel therefore we should be able to say it out loud. Not so much. Much like inspiration, it comes from a place that involves clarity to understand. Something may inspire you but to put that inspiration into words can be difficult. Clarity. Definition. Both are distinct and both we search for equally.

 If a picture is worth a thousand words, my motorcycle is the photo album of my life. I flip through the pages of my album every time I roll down the highway, looking at this long road I call life from the best seat in the house.

But the search never seems to end. Every time I get on my bike I’m still looking for answers and explanations for the thoughts in my head. If a picture is worth a thousand words, my motorcycle is the photo album of my life. I flip through the pages of my album every time I roll down the highway, looking at this long road I call life from the best seat in the house. And it never gets old. Even though every one of my senses is being affected while riding, I still find that being completely vulnerable to my surroundings is the only place I want to be at any given moment – vulnerable to the elements and my emotions all at the same time. Of course, to enjoy the ride and the scenery around me is still possible, I also look inward to find things I’ve long since put away for another day. We’re all different when it comes to our photo albums, but the search is always the same. We are looking back to get that same warm and fuzzy sensation that only memories can provide and we enjoy how that makes us feel.

Some things are just meant to be felt not said.

We don’t need words or explanations for everything. Some things are just meant to be felt not said. The understanding is present and I don’t need the definition to get it. To find the beauty of the countryside by way of it, doesn’t need to be explained, but rather appreciated. How it makes you feel is good enough for me, and that goes for all those other things I can’t explain. But that won’t stop me from searching.


4 Replies to “In Search of Definition”

  1. Well said. I have never fully or accurately been able to explain to others my motorcycle obsession–but it hasn’t stopped me from trying.

    This is the best way I’ve been able to put it into words: As I go through life, I pick up all of these thoughts; many may be junk (“Why did my boss say that?”) and others more important (“Why did my wife say that?”). I throw these thoughts in the back of my mind as I struggle to get through life—a job that may or may not suck (but pays the bills), family issues that are often trying, and a marriage that takes constant attention to remain functioning.

    As I throw my leg over the seat, put on my gloves and zip up my jacket, I focus on enjoying my ride. But I also bring out those pending thoughts and I sort through them as I ride. Some I throw away for good. Others I place neatly in a corner of my mind. Others, still, need “more work” and I’ll consider them at a later time. I can tell you, though, that I return from my day, weekend or longer ride with a much clearer, uncluttered mind.

    That’s what works for me.

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